You don’t have to go broke to break up
Family law matters are emotional and can be difficult. Hiring an attorney should be the least stressful part.
At Cooper Law we believe everyone deserves access to quality legal help, regardless of economic status. We offer sliding fee rates for all clients based on household income and household size.
Cooper Law is ready to assist both in cases with little conflict, and in contentious cases where the parties cannot agree. We work hard to assist our clients in obtaining an acceptable settlement or taking the matter all the way to trial.
Legally ending your marriage.
A divorce can involve division of property, custody, parenting time and support. We can help with all of these issues. Contact Us.
As part of a divorce, you’ll need to decide who gets to keep your shared property—the house, vehicles, furniture, even pets.
We help you come to an agreement or make arguments to help a judge decide the issues. Contact Us..
Your relationship didn’t work out, but you still want to be involved with your child.
We help prove to the court that you are the parent. We also work with you and the other parent to reach an agreement on your child’s residence and time with each parent. Contact Us.
When parents split up, decisions need to be made about how your children will be cared for.
We can help you negotiate an agreement for legal and physical custody or represent you in front of a judge.
Time with a child is important.
Sometimes it is difficult to reach agreements about the best parenting time schedule for a child. We can help you navigate this. Contact Us.
Supporting a child is the responsibility of both parents.
But a support obligation needs to be fair and based on the incomes of the parties. If you need to establish support or modify an existing order due to a chance in circumstances. We can help.
If parents are unable to care for their children, other family members often step up to help.
It may be necessary to obtain custody of a child of another, to assure that decisions can be made about the child as well as to do things like enroll the child in school. If you are caring for someone else’s children without a court order, contact us to see if third party custody is right for you.